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Full Version: Why does admin allow racism on =SM= Server?
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Couldnt quite believe this but screenshots show.

So playing away quite happily on the lovely server and luckily for us players we have an admin on.

I didnt realise Angry Jesus was admin but hes using admin chat for warnings and kicking people so great admin right?

So when Blitz Vas Grunwald ( steamid: ) starts with his racism you would think Angry Jesus would do something about it right?

First Blitz has a go at Jesus with racism then later (when admin doesn't do anything) keeps it up saying the word is fine to use.

Blitz seems to be aware of the autoban filter on the word which is why he splits it up.

Me, Tointata, Alex2020 all were not really happy about this. I waited about 15 minutes for Jesus to do anything...he does nothing. When I ask him he says Blitz is just trolling. Why he didn't kick him I do not know. The previous screenshot shows Jesus kicking people for tk but he doesn't kick for racism?

Later when Robin joins he asks if there is any problems...again Jesus says nothing Blitz still playing. I thought maybe Jesus had msged Robin for proper admin help to ban instead of kick but he does and says nothing? Jesus you might be fine with racism but plenty of us aren't and its server rules.
Im quite sure that useage of racist words was autoban when the yellowtextbotthing worked properly. And by the way is Angry Jesus really admin???
QUOTE (TimTheSorcerer @ Dec 9 2020, 01:40 PM) *
Im quite sure that useage of racist words was autoban when the yellowtextbotthing worked properly. And by the way is Angry Jesus really admin???

He isn't a "full" admin but has Admin rights. But in saying that plenty of us in the server thought Jesus was admin as he never said he wasn't and was using admin commands.

No. The server bot has its own list of registered admins. This may not include some of the old-time admins who aren't very active lately and it can also include some people, who have limited admin rights (with the bot), but are not part of SM and technically are not admins =SM= Robin
Sir Robin (not so brave)
First of all, thanks for the report. He was recently unbanned, but now I'll just add a perma ban for him.

But it gets quite annoying to continue to insist that AJ is an admin even when you know fully well he isn't! The most he can do is kick/spank him, as he has no ban-powers. And only if the bot is working at that moment. Why he didn't kick the offender is something you can ask AJ.
QUOTE (Sir Robin (not so brave) @ Dec 9 2020, 03:03 PM) *
First of all, thanks for the report. He was recently unbanned, but now I'll just add a perma ban for him.

But it gets quite annoying to continue to insist that AJ is an admin even when you know fully well he isn't! The most he can do is kick/spank him, as he has no ban-powers. And only if the bot is working at that moment. Why he didn't kick the offender is something you can ask AJ.

I did ask him (though tbh it shouldn't be coming from me it should be coming from someone in =SM= clan as to why he didn't kick a racist) and he said Blitz was just a troll and didn't kick him. So I already know what AJ view on racism is and as to whether you "classify" him as an admin...if it quacks like a duck.....
Angry Jesus
This is what I do

1. If the server bot announces X has a high ping, I always wait 2-3 minutes before I spank (If I can), so they have a chance to stabilize
2. If two guys are figthing at spawn, i come in, kick, stand between, and IF it's a person I know or have seen prevoiusly, I kick them, because they should already know the rules(if they don't stop)
3. If someone is trolling in chat (like Blitz) I ask them to stop, if the person continues to be toxic, he's out
4. If someone I know is shield-glitching, by order of Napalm we are kicking people even when they cross the barrier at DrunkBaz phase 3 Mason to Agatha

I asked Blitz to stop with that, that was his only troll message, he apologized, which you convienently didn't screenshot, and we proceed to play. When Im the only one arround, people usually have a higher activity of trolling, because no SM tag is present, so they are more encouraged. If I had to ban(which fortunately I can't) everyone whos a bitch on SM.... God this game would've been over in 2018.

My spanks are usually best for shield-glitchers and pingers.. trolls that say N word can just rejoin the game in an instance, so it's not effective. I only call for an admin whos online on Steam but not playing Chiv when there is a hacker present, not for petty racists and trolls.

I have never spanked someone just because I don't like them(and believe me I've seen some shit happened on SM)
Could you show me your screenshot where he apologised for his 2 racist messages. In the video I have he doesn't apologise at all. He just admits he's trolling. Was it before Robin arrived?

If you show me his apology I will apologise for going off on one obviously without the full information.
In defence of AJ it would be very hard for him to show screenshots of the precise chats if he isnt recording or screenshotting everything in the chat...
QUOTE (TimTheSorcerer @ Dec 9 2020, 06:15 PM) *
In defence of AJ it would be very hard for him to show screenshots of the precise chats if he isnt recording or screenshotting everything in the chat...

Well he called me out for conveniently not having the screenshot of it...…. The video I have is pretty long didn't see any apology but I could be wrong like I said.

Pretty easy to take screenshots and video these days...
QUOTE (Angry Jesus @ Dec 9 2020, 06:16 PM) *
4. If someone I know is shield-glitching, by order of Napalm we are kicking people even when they cross the barrier at DrunkBaz phase 3 Mason to Agatha

We talked recently about this glitch at DrunkBaz and i said you some stuff that admins said about it, if u continue saying this say me 2 things: Or you don't care about what admins say you and you don't read my messages or you don't want to understand the rules and the admins discussions, because i explained you the whole thing at private message and u continue saying what u want.
Angry Jesus
I remember saying Blitz please stop, or something like that, and he replied sorry.

I always a give second chance, as I've stated in my previous reply

An no, I never take screenshots or videos, since it's VERY rare when Im the only one online without other SMs.
If he would've cointinued being a dick, I would've spanked him. But still, what's good in that when he can come back in 10 seconds lol.....

If someone is TRULY racist he'll be caught sooner or later.

That's why I like Robin and Monkwon the best, because they too don't immediately just flat out ban someone right away, that;s how it should be, let the people calm down, there are 1000 players playing this left for gods sake, and we aren't on twitter
heres the video of you speaking to him after he repeats the racist remarks again ( dunno why you didn't use adminchat but nm ) and his response to you.

The conversation after the video is about obesity blitz age other people complaining about his slurs etc and you saying "sry" to someone but I still couldn't find Blitz apology.

Can I ask that the =SM= leaders vote to make racism zero tolerance on the server? I thought it was from years ago even but I guess I am mistaken.

p.s. when someone is kicked I believe they are banned from the current session ie that map session.....not 10 seconds... so yeah kicking does help

Sir Robin (not so brave)
QUOTE (KANE @ Dec 10 2020, 12:09 AM) *
heres the video of you speaking to him after he repeats the racist remarks again ( dunno why you didn't use adminchat but nm ) and his response to you.

The conversation after the video is about obesity blitz age other people complaining about his slurs etc and you saying "sry" to someone but I still couldn't find Blitz apology.

I banned him tonight. He already had his second and third chances and he blew them.

QUOTE (KANE @ Dec 10 2020, 12:09 AM) *
Can I ask that the =SM= leaders vote to make racism zero tolerance on the server? I thought it was from years ago even but I guess I am mistaken.

The rule is pretty clear: no racist language for whatever reason. I don't see how we can make it clearer than that.

That said, it's not as easy to implement as it sounds. For example people sometimes use uncommon racist slurs, which are hard to catch for a non-native speaker. Or they do so in another language, that the admins might not know. In other cases some people get offended by some stupid remark and demand bans. In the end there's often some sort of judgement by the admins. And different admins will have different perception of the same situation.

QUOTE (KANE @ Dec 10 2020, 12:09 AM) *
p.s. when someone is kicked I believe they are banned from the current session ie that map session.....not 10 seconds... so yeah kicking does help

Admin kick is just a kick from the server. The player can join back instantly. Spanking is just a kick + a message in the chat so everybody can see it.

Vote kick if passed, is actually a short ban. I think it is 4 minutes currently. I don't think there's a kick or ban which is effective only for the currently run map.
Well Robin the thing is Jesus doesn't seem clear on the racism rule.

He said he didn't kick because the guy can come back. What this effect means is that an accidental tker will get kicked quicker than racism slurs will because he will deem the tker worth a kick. I get that he wants to give players chances but for racism I thought the rule by MonkeyFiend was clear.

He did no warning after the first racism
He asked in chat after the 2nd racism slur for Blitz not to do it.

Blitz pretty much ignores Jesus mainly because Jesus did not use admin chat. Maybe he isn't allowed to use it for 100% clear racism and only full admins are allowed?

Why not upgrade the sub admins (rexii, jesus etc) so that they can use it for that and I would add for banning 100% clear racism but that's just me.

But to everyone on the server it looks like hey racism is fine because nothing happened.

More annoying than any of this..... I waited till Robin joined and asked if everthing was cool...again nothing from Jesus. Does Jesus understand what racism is? Or is his interpretation mean that hey as long as you say sorry its all good. (the invisible sorry I might add)

If I hadn't reported it I would suspect Blitz would still be on the server. How do I know this? Well TimtheSorceror has already said its hard for Angry Jesus to get screenshots of the chat, second Jesus hasn't produced one screenshot of the racism so where is the evidence that he did anything?

What im getting at here is that tbh I just reckon Jesus wanted a quiet life and regarded him as a troll and to just ignore him that's what his actions say and his lack of actions say. I might look like im having a go at him here but I don't know if his level of admin privileges allow him to do more so his hands are tied.

Just doesn't look good for the server imho. I wasn't the only one who was complaining about it.

Can you think about at least upgrading the privileges for "sub-admins" so they can do more.

Of all this, upgrading sub admins is not the way to go, as you see yourself AJ was a "sub admin" but didnt do stuff about racism. Sub admins is definately not the way to go, in my opinion that would make the admin and rules even more diluted. What we need is more admins true to =SM=.

That said, yes, it is not good rules being broken on the server, however the course to take is not to de-centralize admins even further. AJ was a "de-centralized" "sub admin" with restricted powers, if we actually had "real" admins continously on the server there would be stricter following of rules.

I have been on the server a little bit on and off now incognito and can honestly say that the trolling around the rules is far greater then when admin is online but there is still alot of rule bending where I are not sure to kick or ban.

Basically we need more admins... And not "sub-admins"

By the way Kane, if i remember correctly its not like ur an angel.
By the way Reexi isnt a subadmin but is a real =SM= Admin, im not gonna tell you who it is but just do !alias ingame....
Kane, thank you for the report. We rely on regulars such as yourself to bring these things to our attention if it happens when we are not on the server.

I do appreciate it may not always be clear that non-members don't necessarily have all the powers available. Actually, as an aside, I nearly stopped playing the game when I was in that situation because of the static it caused whenever I made a decision. It was draining.

I know from personal experience before joining the real limitations of being on the bot only, and how difficult it is to gain order with a limited range of options. I was lucky enough to have been granted ban authority too but, even with that, I had many problems that I needed to call in the cavalry to solve.

Angry Jesus has indeed before now directly informed me of things requiring sorting out, that is *if I am online*. I am sorry I was not there this time.

In my opinion, there is a certain logic to AJ's view that the racists will get caught out sooner or later. It was sooner this time because of your report, resulting in Blitz's forever ban. Yes, could have kicked Blitz. Certainly, but a bot kick gives mere minutes of respite before the player realises they can rejoin. And what then, would we instead be discussing how they were "allowed" to come back on the server.

You did the right thing to report Blitz here so action could be taken.
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