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Full Version: Ban Appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Ban date: ------
Time: --------
Admin who issued the ban : ---------
Additional information: ----------
Ni hao!
I coming for ask you help for my good girlfriend.
I don't know why she get banned at your server but she still have ban after long time.
She is a good person and she working a teacher for childrends with psych and autistis problems in hospital scool.
Sometimes she needs for relax and she going play in the Chivalry game!
But now she feels himself much badly can't make the appelar theme himself and she ask me.
For me his appelar doesnt matter. But she pretty likes your server and want playng in wirh server rues.
Hi there,

It seems this player was banned for intentionally teamkilling with the ballista.

We will wait 3 days for the admin who made the ban to respond to this post. If there is no response, we will provisionally lift the ban.
I have lifted the ban. Please let me know if your friend has any issues joining the server.
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