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Full Version: Ban Appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
EDIT Infraction: Was my admitting to using a AI bot in chat. Then the continuation. Excuse below. Would say reason but you have rules. /bends knee

Date:(approximate if unsure)
Time: idk
Admin who issued the ban :
Additional information: I probably pissed a bunch of people off in chat.
Situation: Not to sure, idk what exact rules I broke. But it has been like 3+ months. Sorry for breaking any rules. I never hacked. I seemed to be followed by a player group who desired a negative outcome for me. I responded in kind and then some. Whatever I am accused of as far as breaking chat protocol I will give your team the benefit of the doubt. Seems quite likely.

Please lift the ban, I enjoy your server. p.s. I know how to act accordingly, this is the first server I have been banned from. I'm sure was out of line.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
I banned you on 2020-06-14 for kicking teammates into water. This breaks our second rule (no intentional team damage). I perma ban for this kind of behavior, because it's an instant death for the kicked player, but only gives minuscule amount of team damage. Thus, trolls are often using this to piss-off players while avoiding being vote kicked.

As you say, this is your first ban, so I'm going to lift it and give you a second chance. Just keep in mind that we rarely give third chances.
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