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Full Version: Balnazzar's letter
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Greetings Sneaky Monkeys,I was banned yesterday just because I killed one of my team mates who got in my nerves because he issued some fist bumps over me then some sword swings to be more specific he disrespected me and I taught him a lesson,I know the server rules,I never broke them,but yesterday that rank 3 vanguard needed to know that the 0-15 rank servers are dedicated only for them and they need to practice there.The balance between my hits and his hits it's 8-11,I don't know if that guy was banned but he should be,even if he's rank 3.My apologies guys ,if you don't see any type of apologize in this topic,maybe the fact that I overlooked too many times over those acts of disrespect,made me mad yesterday and that's why I'm not apologising at all,I meant to do that,I lost my control,I accept the consequences even though I consider the ban,granted too easily.God bless SM.
Well bless you too Balnazzar and your anger management issues tongue.gif
Hey Balnazzar, I'm the admin that banned you. I don't think you had any problems before so I will lift your ban (in 5 minutes) . Anyway you must respect the rules. I was just spawning when I saw you killing entirely the other one ( banned also). You must understand that I need to be fair, even if I think you didn't started the fight both of you deserve the same rule reminder.
Hope you'll have self control if an ally is attacking you again cause I won't lift it next time.

Have a great day
QUOTE (Balnazzar @ Aug 27 2020, 08:10 PM) *
I killed one of my team mates who got in my nerves,he disrespected me and I taught him a lesson,I know the server rules,I never broke them

Fightdrug *-*
QUOTE (Bucket @ Aug 29 2020, 12:05 PM) *

woah ohmy.gif thats big, he think seriously about it mellow.gif
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