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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
I have to do more of these as the ingame votekicks aren't really helping (even if "admin" is there)

Thanks for the report Kane, however I don't really like your sentence : even if "admin" is there.

SM serv is not 12v12 but 32v32. That changes everything, we all know there are a lot of unattentional TKs and it sometimes impossible for us to know if the player that is votekicking someone with 8 percent TD is saying the truth or just spamming, etc...

People sometime forgets that the admins are in the serv to play and enjoy.

We can only warn/spank/ban when we have prooves : two possibilities :
- we see it ingame while we're spectating or playing
- the forum's reports

So yes we're not able to see everything but I know if one of us see somthing he/she will fix that.
the "admins" bit I meant that I didn't know who was admin or if there was one. Is serverbot !admins 100% accurate all the admins who are on the server?
Sir Robin (not so brave)
QUOTE (KANE @ Aug 27 2020, 07:10 PM) *
the "admins" bit I meant that I didn't know who was admin or if there was one. Is serverbot !admins 100% accurate all the admins who are on the server?

No. The server bot has its own list of registered admins. This may not include some of the old-time admins who aren't very active lately and it can also include some people, who have limited admin rights (with the bot), but are not part of SM and technically are not admins.

Regarding the video, I was thinking it might be a noob mistake, but the player has 700+ hours in chiv. I am still at a loss as to what to what to do about this. This is a TK, but the video shows a single hit. I also checked and I don't have a record of previous bans.

I think a warning should be enough.

For the record, this is the permanent link to their profile page, because the other one has already changed:
Robin I don't want the person banned / not trying to get them banned. Just to add to the ever growing list of "watch" players. Thanks for adding their steam profile.

I don't think ive ever tried to vote kick for no reason. Hard to believe I know.

I'll initiate votekick for the following:

ping over 180 and packet loss (if server rules change ill stop doing this)
ping over 200 (see server rules)
trolling e.g. firepot/ballista team/blocking spawn/kick into water etc
int tk (ie no enemy nearby and no prior evidence of difficulty distinguishing between red and blue and not just team switched)

continuous int td - e.g. team archer follows behind you and shoots you multiple times for no reason no enemy near. Also a "team mate" who "decides" you are enemy and tries to kill me. Whenever this happens to a team mate I will try to help but not many regulars on server help team mates.


If you find me votekicking for illegitimate reason i'm happy to be perma banned. Fairs fair!

You know I get a lot of grief (from regulars too) just for being KANE tongue.gif
Sir Robin (not so brave)
KANE, to be clear I'm not saying your vote was without a reason. I'm saying that if we add a ban and they dispute it, we need to have good evidence.
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