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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
robin the simp banned me for farming him in a pug/scrim (non sm server btw so no power ik that they hate not having power omegalul) yea ik kinda cringe, but anyway i should be unbanned cus the reason was for being toxic on a non sm server so the point doesn't stand, sm scrim team shit lul
Sir Robin (not so brave)
You were banned 4 times on the SM server for racist language and for toxic behavior. The last ban was not mine, but Rexii's. I did make it permanent so you'll have to appeal.

And this is your appeal? Pff. Ban stays perma as far as I'm concerned.

For the record, here is a link to Cookie's profile:

P.S. I've been rekt many times by far better players than you. I have no problem admitting this. Yet none of them is banned here, only you. So the reason you give is not only false but just total BS.
Fightdrug *-*
QUOTE (cookie @ Jul 30 2020, 05:36 AM) *
robin the simp banned me for farming him in a pug/scrim (non sm server btw so no power ik that they hate not having power omegalul) yea ik kinda cringe, but anyway i should be unbanned cus the reason was for being toxic on a non sm server so the point doesn't stand, sm scrim team shit lul

its everytime a good idea to insult people in ban appeals xD that have high chances for a ban remove
ft10 me robin u nigga jajajajajaajaj, ur scrim team sucks, spend time with ya retarded kid and clapped wife than a game omegalul

but srsly tho ft10 or scared.

im black too so i can say n word
I'm going to make sure this ban is copied into the chiv2 server when it's out.

I'll also add the idnet isp range into the bans and add a hardware ban, to stop the inevitable familyshare smurf asshattery.

closing thread.
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