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Full Version: Reporting a troll
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Strzebo. He changed his name. Now he is John123. But the old name is still at his avatar

Scrump, Lord of Assists said that Strzebo is kicking teammates at spawn. Earlier another player (Inglorious Bastard) warned me that Strzebo is a troll.
I started recodring.
He was standing in the way of other people and kicking them.
After that Strzebo attacked Scrump and tried to votekick him from the server.

0:00 he is trolling.
5:14 he is attacking Scrump.
5:54 he is attacking Scrump again.

There are more moments in the video of him trolling.
Fightdrug *-*
adding some evidence this guy have change his name to john 123 and come back later :

look here by :
0:50 ( kicking a archer mate in the water )
3:13 ( shooting mates in spawm and troll them after this ) ( here it is the whole video )

he have change his name now from john123 to Ricky

Sir Robin (not so brave)
Thank you both. I banned him for 1 week.
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