we have a hard troller on the SM server he tking mates and play after this the victim and vote the real victim then and sometimes it working

the first ones are from last week on saturday night
this is in outpost : https://youtu.be/XAnvNOci3d8 ( here you see that he tk a afk team mate and play the victim after this )
that is on drunk basar : https://youtu.be/WwG8EuI-Voo ( the start is missing so i dont know who start it but he comes back after this tk the archer and play the victim and the archer getting kicked evidence end at 2:40 after this he try to get his td rate down )
that is on kings garden one map later : https://youtu.be/fVcDtZpa67g ( here he kick archers from the wall and play the victim again like everytime after MEOW kicked him he have come back at the next night )
this one is from yesterday at belmez : https://youtu.be/JOS-SURRMJ0 ( tking many mates on purpose then he troll archers and later he try to tk the king )
stuff like this he do everytime
steam profile : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198110540546
i hope this evidence are enough that he get his ban you can ask other regulars too if you want like apachi or cyrus

have a nice day
Fightdrug *-*