Jul 2 2020, 02:36 PM
ColdFront is objectively the worst map ever created in online gaming. Highly unbalanced, the offensive team wins 99% of matches due to bad map design, timers, objective odds, etc. Also a large portion of the player base leaves the game when the map goes into rotation. Even the person who created the map has regretted creating it and apologizes for how crappy it is.
All in favor, say YE, all opposed say NE
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Jul 3 2020, 11:50 AM
I agree it's not a very good map, but:
- people say that for basically every map, including dark forest and belmez (two of the most popular ones). should we remove all of them?
- there are people who do enjoy it
- I just want to make sure your expectations are set correctly: even if a lot of people agree with you, this would still has to go through an actual poll in the SM members area, because this is how the clan works.
Jul 3 2020, 01:30 PM
If Coldfront is the worst map, what is Shore?