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Full Version: Reporting someone agressive (n word/provocation)
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hi there,

There are often some alterations between players, but I did not appreciate being provoked and insulted in the worst way without valid reason.

Thank you for your attention


Sir Robin (not so brave)
Thank you for the report. In the future, please make sure you also include a link to their steam profile page, otherwise it's harder to take action.

In this case the n-word caused him being auto-banned for 7 day. For the record this is his steam profile:
damn, this guy must have a small pee pee
Thank you for your decision making and fast reply Sir Robin.

"damn, this guy must have a small pee pee"

He waddled in a rather strange way when we were fighting ... unsure.gif

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