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Full Version: Ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: 16.04.2020
Time: 17:41 GMT
Admin who issued the ban : Sir Robin (not so brave)
Additional information: To clearify this is to my knowledge a 4 day long ban

Hello dear reader, my name is Lothar, and in this text I will describe in detail why I believe there is reason to consider an appeal on this ban. First off, the stated reason of the ban, as i saw it as I was sent out of the game, was "Intentional team killing". The incident that I believe Robin is referring to is something that occurred as I was running across a bridge in game, and a man called "Leading" was standing still infront of me. As I ran across he either purposefully or not, stepped forth infront of me, making my character stop. Then in the heat of the moment I clicked the kick button to make him move a little so I could get through quick, but it was in later thought not a good idea, since we were relatively Close to the edge which resulted in him falling off into the water - and dieing. In retrospect, I admit that it was stupid, but I did not think he'd go that far and fall off, so it was never my intention to team kill him.

I also think that in additon to the fact that it wasn't my intention, I want to bring up something else. This is that I, during my time on this incredible server, I have had zero or under 10% team damage in all games, and never killed anyone on my team on purpose. And I think that there are many People who cannot say the same, and it is not so easy sometimes when alot of people gather - to then try to kill the enemy without hitting your own by accident.

To conclude I hope that you consider this appeal, because I've had a really good time on the server and I don't want an accidental kick to stop me from playing on the best Chivarly server for 4 days, I have nothing else to do because of quarantine so it is a really urgent matter.

Hugs and kisses,
Lothar - OneifNotTheBestArcherEUInMyOpinion
Hello Lothar,
Well there is a problem here... You say that it was accidental when many trusted players are saying that it was intentional...

Your 4-days ban is going to stay for two reasons, it's your word against many players and Leading send us prooves where we can see that many players are complaining about you.

If you have some questions of course you're free to ask
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