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Full Version: Got Banned - please consider
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hey guys I love your server so much and have been playing it loads recently. I have never been votekicked or had any issues but the other night I got banned for foul language, which I fully accept responsibility for. I was quite drunk and having seen an admin remind people about racist language I decided to type just the n-word in an alternative spelling to see what would happen... I completely understand why you have the rules and I am sorry for my action. If you choose to allow me to play on the server again I will of course never use that kind of language again.

I'd like to add that I am not racist, I hate racism. I felt the need to add this seeing another post of someone wanting unbanned who had a racist username and info - I want to make it clear that I was just trying to be funny while drunk and got what I deserved.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Hi JarvoD,

You forgot to add a link to your steam profile. I think this is it: right?

You were banned by an admin, who used the bugged netid ban, so we don't know what reason he or she specified. You'll have to wait for up to 3 days for that admin to respond.

The ban was converted to a normal one, and will expire on 2020-04-21 at 07:32:08 GMT.
Hi JarvoD,

was me who warned about no racism rules and who banned you for saying it,
i warned about no saying N-word, you decided to say it. N-word or racism in chat is 7 days ban.

You can read the rules too when you join the server, or typing !rules at server chat.

I will ask to change the ban expire on 2020-04-18
Okay, thats fair. Thanks guys
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