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Full Version: Unban me
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
I was banned years ago, unban me please so i can play this game again since its the only live server is your's.
I have no information about why , when or who banned me.
here is my acc
Sir Robin (not so brave)
You were banned on 2016-07-22 for "racist words". You name back then was "Kilroy293". You now have to wait for the admin who banned you to comment. If that doesn't happen in 3 days we will provisionally unban you. You can remind by replying in this thread.

I just want to add that we don't allow racism on the server. This includes your name (one of your previous names is "Nate Higgers"). Also, your current info contains this "You thought i was gone, but Jester is back, if you are reading this i hope you are not black." My point is, you'll have to follow the rules while you're playing on the server.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
I lifted your ban.
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