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Full Version: Please unban
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Was banned by Raven beacuse there is a *** who started attack me order not to be killed i had to defend myself back and got banned for that.
this happens like almost every single game by the way.
i know that this is not right but i didnt want to stay and see how other players could attack me and nothing happen to them but when i do it (defend myself) its always like ban him he is rude and shit
This ban is mine, it will expire in 7 days.

I witnessed you teamkilling an archer in spawn, and I've seen you do it before, so I temp banned you.
I didn't see the other player hit you, but if you had told me instead of tking them, they would have been spectated/punished. I can't go on your word though. In the future votekick or tell an admin, don't risk looking guilty yourself.
How could i tell you something if you ban me immediately? some of my friends played that mach and they saw that you did nothing to the guy who attacked me. From that follows, that is something of personal.. And that is very unfair when ppl attack me and they do not get banned, but i just tried to defened myself and killed that guy insted of being killed by him. If you were running behind, you had to see that he attacked me like 3 times.
You could have told me or any other admin *instead* of killing him.
I was in front of you both, heard fighting, turned around and he was dead with the kill stat on the screen that you'd killed him. You intentionally teamkilled, whether the other player was guilty or not, I have no hard proof of. If it's true then I'm sorry I didn't see it, I will add the player to the watch list, and if we catch him doing teamdamage then he will also be punished.

I promise this is nothing personal, I just act on what I see and what is reported. You can't expect people that did you damage to get banned if you fight them instead of report them, honestly just screenshot/video/report to online admin and let us deal with any rulebreakers, because here you did break a rule. teamkilling is teamkilling, no matter who started hitting, and us admins don't see everything unfortunately.

This ban is temporary, so please take my advice and prevent a permanent one in the future.
Ok than you) and sorry if i look impulsive
will have time to rest from chiv)))
so archers you can keep playing in save =)
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