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Full Version: Shady9baby's ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Sir Robin (not so brave)
This appeal is from Shady9baby. I'm posting it on his behalf as he was unable to create an account in the forum:
QUOTE (Shady9baby @ Jan 19 2020, 10:17 PM)
Hello all, I have been banned for messing around on Belmez.I stood at one place and i was swinging weapon so anyone who came close got damaged. People who know me on server also know that i'm not a toxic player and that i never intend to ruin game to others.

I enjoy playing on the server there are a lot of great guys who i became friends on steam with.

So i received a kick after that, and i was like - ok i got the message, ill stop. After my return to the server i got instantly banned.At first i thought it was for a couple days, but i found out that it's permanent.

I hope you're going to reconsider my ban, unfortunately i don't know which admin banned me.

Cheers Shady9baby ( )

I want to add that the ban is from 2020-01-07 or 2020-01-08 and was a bugged NetID ban.

As usual, we give the admin who enacted the ban days to reply. If that doesn't happen, we will provisionally remove the ban.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
3 days had passed so I resurrected unbanned Shady9baby.
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