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Full Version: Reporting a Player for speedhacking
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Fightdrug *-*
hello mates o/,

for a few days we had by the shore map a speedhacker by the masons here some evidence :

and here is his profile but i think it is just a trash profile :

that is maybe the real one dont know if its importent unsure.gif :

have a good fight and a nice day or night cool.gif
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Thank you fightdrug!

Based on your video, I banned reskerharvey. But why do you think (and how can you tell) that their real profile is Mangetout?

It's a bit strange, because Mangetout has just 1.3 hours in Chivalry.
Fightdrug *-*
thank you smile.gif

i think it is his real profile because its his only friend its a bit strange i think ^^ maybe he play the game with his real profile 1 hour and see that is to hard and say his self : ,,maybe i can make this easyer and make a trash account just in save" just a feeling from my side
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