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Full Version: Ban Appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Jack Slater
Hi Folks
Can you pls unban me? Jack Slater Steam ID:
Got banned today 13.01. Reason "Glitch"
Did a shield/jump glitch like many others always do (Elektronautista, Billy jo Baba ect...) and got an insta ban. No Idea who it was.
Everybody knows im a fair no troll player.
Ty in advance

Sir Robin (not so brave)
As far as I can tell you are not banned. Perhaps just kicked? Or it could've been a short ban which has expired.
I want to warn you that there are players like Billy Jojo Baba who have already been banned for a week or more to do that and if he continues to do, so it will be much longer, so I recommend you don't do it anymore.
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