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Full Version: We just wanna party is a troll
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals

"We just wanna party" was trolling with firepots. I asked him to stop but then it got worse.

This happened this week.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Hi. This one screenshot is inconclusive. It does show them threatening to throw the firepot, but they can still cancel it. I'll watch for things like that in the future, but this screen is not enough to issue a ban.

Can you also please provide a link to their steam account? People can change their nick names and without that link we may not realize it's them again.
most of the times he did it, i did not see him. so i could not catch him. He did it at least 10 times throughout 2 matches. Maybe he knows how to get away with it. I will try to contain myself and not retaliate.
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