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Full Version: Unban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello everyone, I would like to make an appeal to get unbanned to get the chance to play again on your server

Date: 2 years ago (?)
Admin who issued the ban : Really don't remember
Additional information: don't have any
Situation: apparently I was being racist. I must say I am not in any way racist (I'm also etnically mixed) and I'm not a troll, I'm sure people that know me in Chiv can confirm that

Thank you for hearing me out, hope I'll get unbanned.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Hello. You'll have to wait for up to 3 days for the admin who banned you to reply. If that doesn't happen we will provisionally lift your ban. Please remind us by replying to this thread.

Some more info, so that the admin can recognize your ban more easily: banned on 2017-05-07 with the state reason "racisim". player name back then was "Shogun_Katsumoto".
Sir Robin (not so brave)
I lifted your ban, so you should be able to join.
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