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Full Version: Ban appeal - Justice_4_all
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello a few days ago, while playing as agatha, I saw 2 fellow agathians fighting in spawn. I got involved (I usually don`t) to try to split up the skirmish with kicks and "No"s. Eventually it degenerated into a sword fight with who I thought was the aggressor. Needless to say I got banned smile.gif. Please lift the ban as I am not that kind of player. Check my player history if it`s necessary to see I am not a toxic one. Thank you all and a happy new year
Hey, Justice_4_all, I am the admin that banned you cause as you said it I saw you fighting with allies in spawn (I'm talking about a sword fight not your kicks and "no"). I don't think you done things like that before and I never heard from anyone that you were "toxic" as you say. So, I'm going to lift your ban but I think you know the rules, you were in a game with an admin, you could have just told me what was happening instead of starting TD. Anyway, take that ban as a warning cause next time you'll have to wait till the end of it.

Hello and thank you, usually after a few nos ppl calm down, but this wasn`t the case. I`ll report it next time. Cheers!
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