Don't Get Smoked
Dec 19 2019, 08:26 PM
Hi DGS here, I'd like to join SM finally after long consideration. I've played on the server for a few years now and love the community. I live in NY, being that the time-zones are so different sometimes I'm up late at night on the server playing with no admins in sight. At these late hours sometimes people can get pretty silly since they know there aren't any admins. I think it may help to have me here, show America some love. Also I automatically like you if your name is not Tim.
Dec 21 2019, 03:38 PM
Hey DGS, youre gonna have to wait like everyone else for MF. And remember DGS, its America not Americant
Don't Get Smoked
Dec 21 2019, 04:58 PM
if this is America then why American't we move forward with this process? jk i know it cuz MF is gone but do you know when he will be back?
Dec 21 2019, 07:30 PM
A MonkeyFiend is never late nor early. He just isn't.
Don't Get Smoked
Dec 21 2019, 10:29 PM
is it me who is late then?
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Dec 22 2019, 12:25 PM
QUOTE (Don't Get Smoked @ Dec 22 2019, 12:29 AM)

is it me who is late then?
or early...
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