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Full Version: player threatening to delete accounts
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Person in question

The person above has threatened me on sm about deleting my steam account and also threatening to "white knight" attack me

Screenshots of person

as you can see from the first image they are threatening me and also disrupting the others in chat, they have been warned before about it all but kept insulting everyone and calling them all incels and sjw supporters,

Second image:
more proof of disruption,

i really hope something happens to this person as threatening people to lose their entire steam accounts is not very fair, this person is very toxic and clearly cannot handle being in a server full of players

hope this is not a terrible explanation, i didnt get many screenshots as my console was a mess and also i exited out before taking too many
Please cehck the link, seems broken
Princess SparkleTink
QUOTE (zx4000 @ Nov 24 2019, 12:51 AM) *
Person in question

The person above has threatened me on sm about deleting my steam account and also threatening to "white knight" attack me

Screenshots of person

as you can see from the first image they are threatening me and also disrupting the others in chat, they have been warned before about it all but kept insulting everyone and calling them all incels and sjw supporters,

Second image:
more proof of disruption,

i really hope something happens to this person as threatening people to lose their entire steam accounts is not very fair, this person is very toxic and clearly cannot handle being in a server full of players

hope this is not a terrible explanation, i didnt get many screenshots as my console was a mess and also i exited out before taking too many

Might be just me but I'm not seeing the images. ZX4000

Maybe uploading the image to somewhere and sharing the link that way would work? (Not sure if that will work)

With that said ZX4000 is referring to - A player who goes by the name of " Samantha95 "

From my personal experience of her (assuming), they are as toxic as it gets. Not a friendly sort of person at all and its not the first time shes been on and caused problems.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
zx forgot to add a colon to the url. The fixed one is

First of all, I don't think she's threatening to delete your steam account, instead they (with her "army of white knights") are threatening to write a lot of comments that you are "cheating".

This Samantha looks like an edgy person. I saw her attack a teammate (noob by the rank and play style) in retaliation. I warned her and she accused me of being corrupt and against her and left for the "american servers where people care about justice" (I quote from memory). Haven't seen her since, but if I do I'll have a few words with her.

If she continues to harass you, please add more reports here and we will take action. Note however, that we cannot stop her and "the white knights" of writing comments on your steam page. If that happens, you'll have to take care of this yourself.
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