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Full Version: Stephanie's (Lady SparkleTink) Application
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
Princess SparkleTink
A Happy Weekend to one and all!

I'll be honest i'm not so good with these kinds of introductions or speaking about myself so please do forgive the blurts of text in advance.

So as some may already know my name is Steph or Stephanie, away back when (when i first signed up) I went by SparkleTink, then Princess SparkleTink (Because I was feeling cute) and from then on Lady SparkleTink has just stuck ever since.

I hail from the UK in the North Yorkshire region where i live among my countries history and heritage. Umm what else, oh I'm 27, will be 28 next year, and I work in IT specialising in Service Delivery. ^,^

I must admit I'm not sure now how many hours I have put into our beloved =SM= Chiv server however I currently have racked up 354h at the time of writing.

The reason for this application today is that to me =SM= is more than just another server to play on, its home away from home. Its the only server on my Fav's list and no matter how much of a gap I have between playing I always end up coming back to =SM= sooner or later. The wonderful people we have, Darth and Robin, including our regulars such as Sinister, Farmer, Zack and many others all make =SM= and the Game worth coming back too.

I love the community we have, the people we play with and those who keep coming back as well as we way we all contribute to making the experience Fair, Dynamic and most of all Fun. N' I'd love to have the pleasure and permission from your great selves to be able to wear your noble clan tag with pride. <3

Finally, I'm always up for a chat so feel free to catch me on Steam or Cord:
SpakrleTink #6011

Lots of love,
Welcome to the forums!

Unfortunately recruitment is closed for the time being, until we can handle them.

If you still want to join when recruitment re-opens, we will hold a poll vote down the line to determine whether or not to recruit you.

Have a nice rest of the weekend smile.gif
Lets be serious here,

SM needs new blood asap

Accept all new applications until they do something bannable for the lol's
Sir Robin (not so brave)
QUOTE (Steelshanks @ Dec 1 2019, 11:51 PM) *
Lets be serious here,

SM needs new blood asap

Accept all new applications until they do something bannable for the lol's

We can't really until MF is back or somebody else has admin rights to the forum.
QUOTE (Sir Robin (not so brave) @ Dec 2 2019, 07:47 AM) *
We can't really until MF is back or somebody else has admin rights to the forum.

Where the fuck has Monkeyfiend gone this time?

Somebody needs to keep tabs on him because without him everything shuts down, Like snow in the UK

Put a bounty on him or something
Nobody wants him so bad to pay
Princess SparkleTink
QUOTE (AsDeR @ Dec 4 2019, 06:43 PM) *
Nobody wants him so bad to pay

Awww poor MF sad.gif
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