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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > General > Public Discussion
I was playing Chiv back in 2017 probably, and I said an n-word on your server. I would like to play here again. I'm very sorry for being racist and offensive. I would be happy if you'd unban me. Thank you.

My Steam:
(I don't know what you need, if you need Steam ID or whatever)

Sir Robin (not so brave)
You were banned on February 5, 2016 for "Racist language". Your name at the time was "Xvildaque".

You'll have to wait for up to 3 days for the admin who banned you to respond. If that doesn't happen, we'll remove your ban. Please reply in this thread to remind us.
Yes, that might be true. Thank you and I will remind you.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
I lifter your ban so you should be able to join now.
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