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Full Version: Please unban me.
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Well I got informed that I got banned in 2017 for teamkilling in revenge. I don't really remember the situation, but probably some dude was attacking me and was only defending myself. I don't teamkill on purpose.

My profile:

Hard to fill anything else, as It was 2 years ago, I just don't know!
Sir Robin (not so brave)
You'll have to wait for up to 3 days for the admin who banned you to respond. If that does not happen we'll provisionally lift your ban. Please remind us by replying to this thread, because sometimes these get buried away.

In the mean time you can check the server rules.
I'm reminding about myself smile.gif
Sir Robin (not so brave)
I removed your ban.
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