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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello there, i get banned arround one month ago.
The reason was "trolling" cauz i did a foot kick on a guy who blocked a door at spawn just after entering in the game.
I want to know if this reason is available and when i can come back on your server.
On more than 100 times on your server i get problem like 4 or 5 times, it's to much but i do my best for be a good guy.
thank's for your answer, and i hope see you soon on Sneaky Monkey server.
Hi, who are you? Ikrancosmique? In this case I recommend you are sitting.
You should read the rules to appeal and give us more info, but doesn't matter.

You were banned sometime by me. Teamkilling and/or trolling i think were the reasons.
You have been reported by another player by teamkilling >>>
You are a toxic player that doesn't understand that revenge teamdamage/teamkilling isn't allowed at our server.
I wrote "trolling" for not wasting more time with you.

For all this you are permabanned.
Hi NapalmBukkake i remember you ! yes man i did it when i was lvl 12-18 ? I was learning the game at this moment and i have changed now. I am sorry for my previous action but you know, nobody can back in the past. We can change the present and the future at least. But i found it unfair to permaban when i am lvl 39 for a thing i did lvl 18. So no way to come on SM again ?
and for answer you about Eve, he just kill me like 3 times per maps on 4 or 5 games so i get a little bit tilted i apologize for that but he was'nt innoncent at all..
I don't want your explanations.
You have already been banned and warned in the past and have done it again.

About Eve, if you were so sure that he did it intentionally you could have reported it here.
Instead of reporting it, knowing that this forum exists, you went to kill him and you've remembered the forum now to appeal and not before to have done things right.

I don't care what your level was, you should have read the rules that, in case you haven't noticed, appear in the message that exists when you enter the server (No TD/TK).
I'm sorry but it's a permanent ban.
Warned one time lvl 12.. If you see my profile i get this account the 22 July of this year man, i don't knowing this forum exist before dude.. Cause this practice of going on a external forum for report something in the game exist only on this game. I found him when i was search a answer on my ban.. If you don't care, i waste my time to explain. You are not sorry, you just hate me. This is sad to don't let me a last chance but ok. bye forever SneakyMonkey
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