bretheren dost though even
Jul 21 2019, 04:41 PM
Hi I am sorry for the TD I have caused. I believe I was attacked first but I know the rules are that we are not to attack fellow teammates. Period.
I was attacking some Agathan bc I thought he was engaging in combat with me. I took one slash to the chest and delivered one to his belly. I was then banned for a couple days now.
edit: thank you guys, I really appreciate the ban lift. I love playing with you all and I spend half the time laughing. Also the helms deep map is incredible ha
Jul 21 2019, 05:40 PM
If if was a simple TD ban, it will be lifted automaticaly. Otherwise you have to wait until the admin that issued the ban posts here.
Jul 21 2019, 07:09 PM
QUOTE (bretheren dost though even @ Jul 21 2019, 05:41 PM)

Hi I am sorry for the TD I have caused. I believe I was attacked first but I know the rules are that we are not to attack fellow teammates. Period.
I was attacking some Agathan bc I thought he was engaging in combat with me. I took one slash to the chest and delivered one to his belly. I was then banned for a couple days now.
TD means Team Damage. TK means Team Kill.
Revenge TD isn't allowed.
Read this and make a proper ban appeal with the info we need pls >>>
Jul 21 2019, 08:01 PM
I banned you on Friday around 6 pm because you killed an ally in front of me.
As admins already said to you, revenge is not allowed, if an ally is attacking you, you can votekick him or tell an admin.
However, I think it's the first time you're ban for that.
I will lift it tomorrow but you have to know that if we see you again doing things like that your ban will be much longer.
Anyway you seem to get what was wrong with your behaviour, hope it wont happen again.