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Full Version: Ban Request - cagatay
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
I hope this the right forum section. If not I am sorry in advance.

Today, everytime when I played stoneshill mission on your server, this glitcher deliberately used glitch or hack (I am not sure) and appeared near the cauldrons, where normally as Mason he shouldn't have access to.
Not to mention killing other agatha players unaware of his presence, this wasn't his onetime incident. He did it at least twice today. He was votekicked today (before i could take screenshots) so some people should confirm what i said.

I attached screenshots with proof. As you can see on screenshots he was hiding in the wall.

I sincerely hope you despise cheaters and glitchers as many of us do and treat him accordingly.
Hey Dercik,
Glitching isnt allowed at our server, is one of our main rules. We will act accordingly to the situation.
Can you explain me why hasn't he already be banned? I just saw him on the server. Are you going to ban him?
technically, he is in our watchlist now.
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