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Full Version: Teamkiller
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello SM members

There was this guy on Chivalry server tonight. After a couple of unfortunate but accidental tks on my part across 2-3 maps, for which I apologized, he revenged teamkilled me many more times thinking it was on purpose even though I kept telling him that they were accidents (I was an archer in the beginning spamming arrows into the enemies and he happened to catch one of them).
I didn't think it would get further than that so I don't have screenshots of all his tks unfortunately. But here's what I do have:

Do what you think is appropriate with him, I wasted enough of my time on him.
Thanks in advance.

P.s. Apologies if I posted this in the wrong section but I'm not that familiar with the forum.
Hi Eve!
I appreciate your report, Ikrancosmique is a problematic player who has already been banned from the server, we will act accordingly.
Would be nice to get his steam profile, greetings.

PS: You're in the right place;)
It was my first encounter with him, didn't know he had caused problems in the past.
Steam search brought up only one profile: so I guess that's him..🤷🏼
Anyway, thank you for the reply! 👍🏻
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