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Full Version: i got banned
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello, i got banned a while ago for my username which was Nigward, i ask if the ban can be lifted because i didnt get any warning before my ban and i had that name for a lot of time and i didnt get banned. i changed my name and i had no racist intentions.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
ibenjamin, you'll have to wait for up to 3 days for the admin who banned you to respond. If that doesn't happen we'll provisionally lift your ban.

To add some info, his steam profile is and he was banned using the cursed menu ban, so there's no info about when or why.

But my logs show that he was banned on 16th or (early on 17th).
I made the ban as soon as I noticed your edgy name, why even have that? You know the rules I take it.

The ban is a NetID cursed ban so it may only be lifted through a server restart.
as i said i had that name for a lot of time, a couple of months and i didnt get banned, i just thought it was a funny name and as soon as i got banned i changed it
Sir Robin (not so brave)
QUOTE (Marsche @ Apr 24 2019, 12:18 PM) *
I made the ban as soon as I noticed your edgy name, why even have that? You know the rules I take it.

The ban is a NetID cursed ban so it may only be lifted through a server restart.

Hey Marsche, I didn't understand what will happen with this ban. Is it staying and for how long?
Sir Robin (not so brave)
I just lifted the ban as Marsche asked me to do.
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