Made an oopie- doopsie
I'm writing to apply for 2 unbans tbh xd
I have received my 1st ban (got it... idk, more than year ago) on TEEKO account . Don't remember details like who gave it, but situation was pretty clear: we got an tker in our team, who kept attacking mates on spawn. I've started to parrying and attacking him too. Situation kept repeating and then an admin spotted this, which resulted in double kill (ban)
another account is waifu's armpits, received this ban today (09.04.2019), about 11:45 (+1 CEST, Poland) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198819453068/
I was named ,,1, 2, 3, 4" and just wanted to type this rhyme ,,1, 2, 3, 4, how many ni**ers r in my store", which resulted in autoban (didn't know about this rule tbh)
Little explaintion- I set up a second account to made achievements once more and to unlock weapons 2nd time, but it's not working with ,,share game" option on steam xd
Srr for butchering eng lang.
Regards, TEEKO