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Full Version: Ban Appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: 07/04/19
Time: 2200ish
ADmin who issued ban: Autobanner
Additional Information:
Situation: I was reading someone else's name and (poorly) humorously wondering why they hadn't been banned. I assumed it was allowed seeing as they had it in their name Sorry- please can you unban me before mordhau comes out?
Hi, autoban for racism consists of 3 days banned if is your first ban, your ban will be lifted automatically after that 3 days
Um thanks but I think this may be my second ban althoguh I don't remember the first as I got a message saying '200hr ban for racist language', am I just going to have to wait for 10 days?
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Hi Domenicus,

It wasn't auto ban, it was my ban. I didn't realize you're reporting somebody and the bot was not running at that time, so I banned you. I will lift it in a few minutes when I'm in-game.

But don't use the n-word, even when reporting, because the bot will ban you right away.
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