Hey guys,
I was playing on your server last sunday evening (17/03/2019) and kept getting kicked for high ping. My ping had not been a major issue in the past so I didn't think it a problem when I kept rejoining the server. After several kicks I decided to call it a night. However when I logged back in on Monday and tried to log into the server I found (to my suprise) that I was banned from the server.
I would appreciate it if you guys could lift the ban as I enjoy playing on your server with its rules that makes games a lot more fun. Also, if you could clarify why I got banned so I can avoid it next time that would be helpful. If it was for my ping, I would suggest that you issue players a warning as a permanent ban for a one off high ping seems a little harsh.
Please find below the required information as per your server rules:
Date: 17/03/2019
Time: Between 20:00 and 24:00 GMT, genuinly unsure...
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197991151203/home (steam ID: Phalangiste)
Admin who issued the ban :
Kind regards,