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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hey guys,

I was playing on your server last sunday evening (17/03/2019) and kept getting kicked for high ping. My ping had not been a major issue in the past so I didn't think it a problem when I kept rejoining the server. After several kicks I decided to call it a night. However when I logged back in on Monday and tried to log into the server I found (to my suprise) that I was banned from the server.

I would appreciate it if you guys could lift the ban as I enjoy playing on your server with its rules that makes games a lot more fun. Also, if you could clarify why I got banned so I can avoid it next time that would be helpful. If it was for my ping, I would suggest that you issue players a warning as a permanent ban for a one off high ping seems a little harsh.

Please find below the required information as per your server rules:

Date: 17/03/2019
Time: Between 20:00 and 24:00 GMT, genuinly unsure...
Steam: (steam ID: Phalangiste)
Admin who issued the ban :

Kind regards,

Hi, I was who banned you.
I'm sorry if you think your is ping "had not been a major issue in the past", but u have 250-300 ping and in this server the maximum ping allowed is 180. I got tired at 3 days of kicking you 3 and 4 times in less than 5 min. so i banned u a week, time enough to improve your internet connection (if exists that possibility) or to assume you can't play in this server cause your high ping, sorry again.

QUOTE (__ the AIRPLANE @ Mar 21 2019, 01:35 AM) *
Edit: lol, nevermind. I guess that's what happens when somebody only puts in "ping" as a reason without using their name tag.

Sorry about this Airplane, i'll start using it.

QUOTE (__ the AIRPLANE @ Mar 21 2019, 01:35 AM) *

If they come back with a ping under 250ms, I usually ban them for one hour at some point. Excessively high pings (260-300+ depending on the overall server load) will cause lag for everyone playing, so I usually ban them for ten hours.

I can say the same but in this case change ten hours for one week.

I unbanned you, since it was my ban. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Let me tell you my usual procedure for dealing with high-ping (>180ms) players: After joining the server and in between respawns, I look through the player list and kick those players and specify the reason "XYZping". If there are more than five I sometimes just announce "pingpurge" in all-chat and kick them without giving a reason to save myself some time. If they come back with a ping under 250ms, I usually ban them for one hour at some point. Excessively high pings (260-300+ depending on the overall server load) will cause lag for everyone playing, so I usually ban them for ten hours.

"But why was I banned for over three days?" is probably what you are thinking at this point.

The "adminkickban" command uses seconds as a unit of measurement; ten hours are 36000 seconds. I probably typed 360000 by accident.
There is also a chance that I was mad after kicking too many players and took things too far by wanting to give everyone a 10 hour ban.

I'm sorry about that.

See you around, have fun!

Edit: lol, nevermind. I guess that's what happens when somebody only puts in "ping" as a reason without using their name tag.
Hey guys,

Thanks for the feedback. I'm a little confused as to who banned/unbanned me but thanks for letting me know the procedure. I'll take it onboard and won't join if I can't ensure a stable connection.

QUOTE (NapalmBukkake @ Mar 21 2019, 12:35 AM) *
Hi, I was who banned you.
I'm sorry if you think your is ping "had not been a major issue in the past", but u have 250-300 ping and in this server the maximum ping allowed is 180. I got tired at 3 days of kicking you 3 and 4 times in less than 5 min. so i banned u a week, time enough to improve your internet connection (if exists that possibility) or to assume you can't play in this server cause your high ping, sorry again.

Thanks for the reminder. My standard ping ins't 250-300 and I think you were wrong to jump to that conclusion and use that basis for a week long ban. I could not know if I was being autokicked so i'm sorry for tiring you. It's your server, your rules but I would encourage you next time a simple message in the chat to let people know before you ban them as it would be a lot more efficient and save you the effort. Just a thought.

Take care guys, have a good day!
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