I'm AJ, or what you all know me as; "Big Gay". I come from North Eastern PA, in the US. I lived here all my life, but have traveled many places such as Florida, Virginia, North/South Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, and even countries from Europe such as Ireland, Switzerland, and Italy! I play many games, from our old friend Chivalry, to the newer games like Metro:Exodus, I will play whatever appeals to me! I play for fun, and just to goof around no doubt, but I make the time interesting for everyone else, like no other experience you can get! I am unique by the way I speak towards others, the way I play, and my personality is just goofy, and intriguing to all!:D I love to listen to music, from rap to metal, it just depends on the mood and the game i'm playing.I work, and I also have school so that's pretty ass! But anyways, most people remember me from Chivalry, and nothing more. I have over 1000+ on chivalry alone and most of my grind was on SM. I never really knew anything about the server until I started to take the game more serious and find myself playing it everyday almost. HOWEVER, I play this game lit as fuck all the time, it's a habit and an experiment in my case, to see my reaction time and learning skill High vs Sober. So far, high has been winning for the slow down reaction time,LOL. But excuse all that, I just want to say how much fun I have with the community, everyone is nice for the most part, even if there are some bad apples in the group, I still love and accept them! OwO. Only times i'm ever truly serious is when I see things that are just plain up bull talk. May I also add that i'm very forgetful? This whole thing may be a disaster but I try my best to write what I can to explain a little bit about myself!! I hope this was helpful, and if you want to talk to me, you can speak with me on Discord,Steam, or anywhere else you may know me!
Steam- https://steamcommunity.com/id/gummypwns/
Discord- Gummypwns #5749
(My personal playlist for Chivalry MW
