Date: Unsure, probably 2-3 years ago
Time: Unsure
Admin who issued the ban : (Unsure)
Additional information: It was many years ago and I deserved it. I am genuinely sorry and would love to rejoin the server and can assure you that I will not put myself in this situation again.
Situation: I done some casual teamkilling for about 10 minutes or so if I remember correctly. It was silly of me, and wrong. I should not have put a cheap laugh ahead of everyone else's fun. I am deeply sorry and feel that I have been banned a long time now which is appropriate punishment but I can honestly say that I have learned my lesson. Please, take this sincere apology from me and allow me to rejoin the server and have fun with you all. I can guarantee that I will not break your server rules or intentionally teamkill again. It was wrong, I was being childish.
Thank you for your time, have a nice day and I appreciate the opportunity at a second chance to play on the best Chivalry server still out there,