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Full Version: Ban Appeal (i did an oopsie)
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Ser Lulric
Date: 15th or 16th of February

Time: Around noon/afternoon 12:00 - 16:00


Admin who issued the ban : i have a hunch it was an auto-ban, because it happened immediately after i posted a naughty word

Additional information: not really, i just messed up and used a particular word in a reactionary context.

Situation: well i was playing the game as you will, and i assume i was autobanned for saying the n-word in the context of "haha holy shit [n-word]", now i must say; i did read the rules, but i didn't know you had ban-triggers for certain words. i didn't realize using the word itself was considered "racist"... when i think of someone who is racist, it usually involves a lot of verbal abuse, anger and severe ridicule... now, in the context of what i did; i used the word without really thinking, i guess to emphasize my surprise.

promise i won't do it again, this is my first offense, pls unban. rolleyes.gif
yes was an autoban, if i'ts the first, is 7 days ban.
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