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Full Version: Ban Appeal (i did an oopsie)
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Ser Lulric
Date: 15th or 16th of February

Time: Around noon/afternoon 12:00 - 16:00


Admin who issued the ban : i have a hunch it was an auto-ban, because it happened immediately after i posted a naughty word

Additional information: not really, i just messed up and used a particular word in a reactionary context.

Situation: well i was playing the game as you will, and i assume i was autobanned for saying the n-word in the context of "haha holy shit [n-word]", now i must say; i did read the rules, but i didn't know you had ban-triggers for certain words. i didn't realize using the word itself was considered "racist"... when i think of someone who is racist, it usually involves a lot of verbal abuse, anger and severe ridicule... now, in the context of what i did; i used the word without really thinking, i guess to emphasize my surprise.

promise i won't do it again, this is my first offense, pls unban. rolleyes.gif
Ser Lulric
sry for double post
Sir Robin (not so brave)
You were automatically banned for using racist language. Your ban will expire on 2019-02-23 at 09:07:46.
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