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Full Version: Ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello, Ive come back to playing chivalry after not having played for 2 -3 years, I tried to join your server and realized im banned permanently. I apologize for any previous behavior of mine and promise i've changed in the last couple years.

Date: about 2 -3 years ago, srry I dont remember exactly
Admin : not sure
Situation : Again, I apologize for any previous mischief of mine, I'd really appreciate if I got another chance
Sir Robin (not so brave)
You've been banned on 2016-08-11 for "int tk P". You were playing as peterzin1 at that time.

You'll have to wait for up to 3 days for admin that banned you to respond (my guess is that's Porsuk). If that doesn't happen we'll provisionally lift your ban. Please remind us in 3 days by replying to this thread.

Happy New Year
Nice try, nerd. &

I also remember you going on our forum insulting us by calling the admins''niggers'' and a whole lot I can't remember at the moment you also tried to create alternate accounts to evade the bans.

His alt account :

Happy new year, imma get (more) drunk now, k thnx bai.
Its been like 3 years bro Im sorry. Let me get anotha chance
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