),PlayerName="Kiraksuy",Reason="200h ban for int. tk. trolling and abousive behav.",NetIDAsString="0x01100001058C7904")

Some excerpts from the logs:

[Kiraksuy] to ALL: kys

@584 [=SM=Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave] to ALL: !warn kiraks rule2
[Kiraksuy] to ALL: eat shit none of it was intentional

[Kiraksuy] to ALL: filho da puta de mongo <<"mongo motherfucker">>
[Kiraksuy] to ALL: die in a fire with your entire family
@584 [=SM=Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave] to ALL: kirak, it was. shut up and play kindly or get the fuck out

[Kiraksuy] to ALL: Suck me off fucking braindead cunt

@584 [=SM=Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave] to ALL: !spank kirak fuck off
[Kiraksuy] to ALL: Feeling powerful abusing power you little shit

[Kiraksuy] to ALL: Just because in real life you have nothing

[Kiraksuy] to ALL: cancerous motherfucker

[Kiraksuy] to ALL: tell me more little bitch
[Kiraksuy] to ALL: I don;t tolerate cunts

Kiraksuy was banned for 200 hours

Based on the above. I'm going to change the ban to permanent

For googly purposes:

| steamname: Kiraksuy
| Kiraksuy - at CS:GO Major in Ode
| 11F | Kiraksuy
| TC | Kiraksuy
| Kiraksuy H-7
| Danny DeVito's Magnificent Head
| Danny DeVitto's Magnificent Head
| Danny
| Kiraksuy - AFK til May 2017
| Infinity | Kiraksuy
| steam3ID: [U:1:93092100]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:46546050
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:
| IP :
| ISP: Portugal Lisbon Nos Comunicacoes S.a.