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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
I was afk for almost a year (from all games) and recently I came back to cut some heads in this game and I found that one of the servers I visited didn't allow me to play. BANNED.

I can't recall why I would be banned... a dusty image of a fight with 2 people in my team killing me all the time and me going full berserker mode against them, full of rage and anger, comes to my mind but many things happened in this year for me and I really can't remember well if that was the reason or what.

This is my

...if you think I deserve another chance... for whatever I did last year or whenever it was.

Merry Christmas.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Hi pim,

I banned you on 2017-05-19 for racist language. I'll lift your ban later today, but please read and follow the rules in the future.
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