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Full Version: Ban appeal
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: About two weeks ago
Time: Dont remember
Admin who issued the ban: Cam
Additional information: Got unbanned by Brian Boru but perma banned again by Cam. I didnt really know what do to at first after i got banned so i talked to my steam friend Brian Boru who got me unbanned. (It should be noted that i was perma banned immediatly. I didnt get a warning or a week ban)

I was recently perma banned by SM Cam for using racist language on the Sneaky Monkey server. I apologize for the rude language and i regret ever saying so. I have been playing on this server for about two years and this is the first instance of me being banned. I know the rules of this server and i went too far and for that i apologize. I was foolish and i promise i wont do it again.

Use of racist language is an instant permanent ban and since you've been playing on this server for two years you should really know there's no warning for it.
Since you seem to understand what happened and why, I will remove the ban when i get on the server later in the day.

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