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Full Version: Taft's request
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Recruitment
HI ALL (me everytime i join the server)
So here I am, my steam name is Taft, I'm 21 years old, my real name is Davide and i live in Italy, I work in an experimental research center as a skilled technical worker.

I have played many online games, usually following mine and my firends preferences but the only one i keep playing even if alone is chivalry.

I like the game itself like many other games but what make me think "let's do a request to be an admin of THE ONE AND ONLY server" is.. the community.

Yeah the community, it was very strange saw that people don't just write N00B or i fuck your mum in chat but they argue their reasons in a sick way, some people even admit that someone is better than them (incredible isn't it ?), what I want to do is to preserve this marvelous crazy beautiful sick orgy of blood swords arrows catapults and laughter of the maa.

Maybe I'll be accepted and I'll start helping with the high pings, stupid team killers and racist shit.
but if it does not, and you postpone my acceptance, you'll find me in the one and only server, i will be the one who writes too much and kills little (I'm working on killing more)

Thanks for your time guys, see you in the game.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Welcome to the forum, Taft, and thank you for the nice words.

I guess you read how the recruitment works, so you know it takes some time to get the vote done.

In the meantime, I'll see you in Chivalry.
Do you like shellfish at all?
Yeah why not i'm an open mind man, but it can be difficult breathe under water, so only touch and escape when they are out
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