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Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Hello, I was playing a casual round of chivalry on Your chivalry server chatting with some friends and stuff. My name is: ฿฿ Homeless (Len) K and I'm an Official admin on Chivalry.
Some player asked me what are bannable offences on Chivalry official servers and i replied as following, Keep in mind this is me explaining what we ban for, not me harrasing anyone in any way.
I said as following ''racism but i usually ban with a hard R at the end like, but i dont ban for nigga but depends on how you say it ofc'' Little did i know that you had autoban on the N word with an A at the end.
i would appreciate an unban so i can keep playing on your servers as usual Sorry for what i did. ^^

Link to my steam profile if needed:
Sir Robin (not so brave)
Hi and sorry for the late reply.

The automatic ban is for 7 days and we normally don't lift them. We do have a warning that no racist language for any reason.

Still, in your case I think it's reasonable to lift the ban early, so I did.
I got in for a few seconds then i was autobanned again. I think there is something bugged with that autoban bot.

QUOTE (HomelessLenK @ Dec 1 2018, 07:29 PM) *
I got in for a few seconds then i was autobanned again. I think there is something bugged with that autoban bot.

It looks like bjoernen banned you for TKing rather than an autoban
This makes no sense, I rarely TK, and never on purpose. I never got a warning and it says that i have been autokicked. If i was kicked for team killing i would like to know if there is any proof. I have done no such thing. Thanks for a swift answer
Sir Robin (not so brave)
QUOTE (MonkeyFiend @ Dec 1 2018, 11:51 PM) *
It looks like bjoernen banned you for TKing rather than an autoban

Monkey, maybe you looked at another ban? In the logs I see he was banned again for "racist language. auto ban". I keep some logs from before I could find three bans:

CODE - Ban{steamId=STEAM_0:1:75439527, steamId64=76561198111144783, duration=PT168H,
enactedTime=2018-11-28T13:23:18, bannedUntil=2018-12-05T13:23:18, ipPolicy=DENY,, playerName=฿฿ Homeless (Len) K,
reason=racist language. auto ban, netId=0x0110000108FE3B4F} - Ban{steamId=STEAM_0:1:75439527, steamId64=76561198111144783, duration=PT139H22M,
enactedTime=2018-11-29T18:00:52, bannedUntil=2018-12-05T13:22:52, ipPolicy=DENY,, playerName=฿฿ Homeless (Len) K,
reason=racist language. auto ban, netId=0x0110000108FE3B4F} - Ban{steamId=STEAM_0:1:75439527, steamId64=76561198111144783, duration=PT90H1M,
enactedTime=2018-12-01T19:22:10, bannedUntil=2018-12-05T13:23:10, ipPolicy=DENY,, playerName=฿฿ Homeless (Len) K,
reason=racist language. auto ban, netId=0x0110000108FE3B4F}

I recently reinstalled my OS so I miss the logs for some days, like 28 Nov, and 1 Dec.

Perhaps the problem is, that I didn't use the !unban command, but rather just /adminunban?
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