Hello, I was playing a casual round of chivalry on Your chivalry server chatting with some friends and stuff. My name is: ฿฿ Homeless (Len) K and I'm an Official admin on Chivalry.
Some player asked me what are bannable offences on Chivalry official servers and i replied as following, Keep in mind this is me explaining what we ban for, not me harrasing anyone in any way.
I said as following ''racism but i usually ban with a hard R at the end like, but i dont ban for nigga but depends on how you say it ofc'' Little did i know that you had autoban on the N word with an A at the end.
i would appreciate an unban so i can keep playing on your servers as usual Sorry for what i did. ^^
Link to my steam profile if needed: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198111144783/