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Full Version: unban ADM
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: 1 year ago (maybe more)
Time: x (i dont remember)
Admin who issued the ban : x (i dont remember)
Additional information: I think it was for team-killing
Situation: I got ban from your server for so much team damage. I apologize for it, It will never happen again.
I dont know if admin or how its called was mad at me or what.
Can i get unban please iam really sorry for my behaviour.
Your server is amazing. tongue.gif
Thank you.
Sir Robin (not so brave)
You were banned on 2017-08-21 for "intentional TK". You'll have to wait for up to 3 days from your appeal for the admin who banned you to respond.

If that doesn't happen on time we will provisionally unban you. Please remind us in a couple of days by replying to this thread.
Three days have passed and the admin who banned you has not replied, so I unbanned you.

Have a nice day.
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