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Full Version: Ban Appeal w8me
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
Date: 11-11-2018

Time: Around 20u00 GMT+1


Admins online at the time: Bjoernen / BHS / 1 more that just joined that game, cant remember who


Situation: Hillside TO map in fase 2, we took the upper left treb 1, last enemy's died 15-20 secs before and a archer on my team (clanname)zap shoots and intentionally tk's me while im standing still and healing, he isnt on the other side near our spawn, hes close to me so its definitely not a case of not seeing an enemy clear from a distance.
He has done this 2 or 3 times before in other games, I check his teamdamage which is quite low so kicking him is never gonna work, while checking this he says sorry which due to the nature of this int tk only enrages me more and I told him to shove his sry up his ass since his tk was so clearly on purpose.
Next life being pissed I go to the same spot, hit him twice (NOT kill him) and type in the chat that if he continues to int tk me that I will kill him next time.
Within the minute after that I get kicked and banned for "int tk" thats the full message.
Checked a few hours later and this morning and im still banned.

To be clear: Im no saint and if people provoke me enough with trolling / clear int tk / 10 charges in my back its not uncommon to ask them to stop and if they still wont listen give them a hit back and a warning in the hope that they stop their bullshit and just let me play the game in stead of dealing with the likes of them that ruin my experience with the game.
I know its not the right way but usually they understand after that and are more careful or stop harassing me.

I play daily on you'r server, have around 700h with 21k+ kills and 470~ tk last time i checked, my average team damage each game is between 2-4% as a vanguard so im not the kind of player that goes on tk rampages or hits teammates often.

I know int team damage is against the rules and I deserved a kick as a lesson but banning me for god knows how long for giving someone 2 hits in the hope he stops int tking me seems a bit excessive to me.

Sir Robin (not so brave)
You are banned until 2019-01-20 04:28:54 with stated reason "IntentinalTK". And here is your previous ban appeal.

I think we'll have to wait for the admin who banned you to respond.
This is my ban. For the record I was there the entire game, and I also meant for the ban to be much shorter, which is my mistake.

Anyhow, you seem to be speaking mostly in truths, though I can't tell if Zap did anything with intention seeing as he did say sorry and I know him as a regular player that I haven't had any trouble with before. Archers are however known daredevils, so I might just buy it. In any case, you would have been better off reporting it to an admin ingame (3 (or 4?) of us in total) rather than to take things into your own hands, which you say you know is against the rules.

I'll hop on and lift the ban given how long it is.
Thank you Nexton, I will try to contain my temper on these situations in the future.
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