Nov 8 2018, 04:13 PM
hello everyone, I try to make a ban appeal, from the last appeal of about three months ago. The motivation of my ban is ""tking on purpose several times".
I am aware that I have broken an important rule on several occasions and I am very sorry for this. I'm sorry and I can say that it will not happen again. I also want to apologize to Monseigneur Duc du Foutre because i've generated useless discussions. I'm sorry. I hope this ban appeal can be accepted.
Date: 18/03/2018
Time: i don't know
https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198020546873Admin who issued the ban : Monseigneur Duc du Foutre
Nov 8 2018, 05:28 PM
http://www.sneakymonkeys.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3332TL : DR ; ban is permanent. Also, you write like Tanz so that alone is a permaban.
Nov 8 2018, 07:07 PM
sorry Bucket, but i've not understan your post.
What/who is Tanz?
I know that i've a permaban, I remember and I said I had done another post few months ago, but for this, i can no longer make a ban appeal?
General Tanz
Nov 9 2018, 10:03 AM
Lelepoe, i salute you....,
I'm "Tanz", and I have to confess I understand Bucket very well when he says, "You write like Tanz." From your lines also from the link presented by Bucket, I can see that although you absolutely want to play on the server again, but you do not have the necessary qualities and discipline.
And that makes you look like me, Bucket is quite right.
I remember a time when Chivalry appeared in 2012, and then I started playing on the Sneaky server. At the beginning, and a few years later, everything was fine; I was a welcome guest on the server, all admins almost greeted me like a friend, player as well. It could have gone on until today, then we would not exchange these lines here in the forum. I regret that it was different, but the fault is not due to an administrator, I wear it alone. Also, I was always unbanned, 9 times, if I remember correctly.
Now I hope you understand that friends then just became relentless enemies, especially since I repeatedly disappointed their expectations and the chances the admins gave me recklessly forgave.
If, even today, after years, I ask for a banishment then that is just a request to play on the server, no admission of my innocence.
I am guilty, and there is no way around it, maybe I have not always wanted to admit it, but I think I've always known that.
Bucket attested to me a not insignificant penchant for autism, and he is right in that, too. Especially since my lines in the forum can be interpreted as if I would consider my position alone the right one.
But that's not it, and every time I recall the memory of the good time on the server, it's also a reckoning with myself.
In the movie "Cap Fear," Max Cady told the arrogant lawyer, "I came, so to speak, to redeem you from your guilt." And for me, this forum is actually nothing more than a form to achieve an absolution.
Especially the representative of the accusation "Bucket", became almost a good friend for me. There is no irony or absurdity in this, and eventually, at the end of the film, attorney Bowden also had the experience of connecting with Cady.
Well, lelepoe, now that you have learned a little bit about "Tanz", consider it more helpful for you to be more helpful than playing a few cards on the server today.
Nov 9 2018, 03:36 PM
I told you guys

, thanks for proving my point

You took the bait so hard you better start calling me Master Baiter.
Nov 9 2018, 04:09 PM
hello Tanz and nice to meet you.
I understand what you write and I am grateful.
but your example is perfect, because as you say, you have been forgiven 9 times.
This opportunity is not given to me. And it's my first ban. This leaves me perplexed.
Although I understood that I broke a rule, even though I apologized also with the administrator and despite having promised not to break more rules in play. despite, as you say, it is clear my desire to come back to have fun on this server. Despite the kind and polite words and ways.
But this, IN MY BAN APPEAL, is not enough and does not work.
Probably, and this I ask who is more experienced than me, once I received a permaban, I can not and will never be able to make ban appeal again?
good evening
General Tanz
Nov 16 2018, 04:11 PM
Greetings, friends,
It's Friday night and I have to admit, I feel a bit lonely. The girlfriend is busy with her appointments, which will undoubtedly bring in a lot of money, but that's another topic .... the son is probably out and about with his new girlfriend. He gave up Chivalry for a long time, now he's playing Battlefield 1. At 8 o'clock in the evening I drive to my work, with the Dutch bike, as always.
As I said, I feel a bit lonely and I hope my concern brings no one here disadvantages. Let's start with a question, a question that has never really been answered by any of you. Do not you also think that I would never have written a sentence here in the forum, if I had not been banished? Oh, how stupid of me ..., I can answer that question myself. Probably I would never have written in the rubric: "Banns and bann apeals"... something, but maybe in the rubric:" Recruitments" ... Maybe everything would have looked different today and I would have the title "SM-General Tanz".
At the moment, I feel like I'm hiding on the dark side of the moon, banished by your bann. On the bright side of the moon are the friends of the server, for example, Leading, dendik ... the administrators. On the dark, the unwelcome guests, maybe like Angry Jesus ..., Tanz ...., etc. But I think without the bann Chivalry and Sneaky Monkey would just be a game and a GameServer. Never would I have met any of you virtually, neither Bucket, Airwayne, Monkey Fiend ... etc. Do not you think that sometimes a good thing can come of a misfortune? Out of a bann, something like a forum account, from a forum account something like a conversation, from a conversation something like a reflection, a reflection beyond the forum, a reflection, which also and just a rethinking can result , For all that, I'm actually grateful to Robin, the not so Brave, he was the one who spoke the Permaban years ago and did not take it back. My thanks also go to Airwayne, who could be my friend today, MonkeyFiend, who could be an ally, and last but not least, Bucket ... an administrator who is something of a mirror to me. I recognize myself in his criticism.
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