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Full Version: Using my nickname for trouble.
Sneaky Monkeys Forum > Visitors > Server Rules > Bans and Ban Appeals
=Mi-Molles= Guytoune

I post for report someone who use my Nickname "Guytoune" in game for make trouble.
It start yesterday and i have been warned by Feanorfyndel.

This guy wasn't me for many reason:

- Yesterday was the 1 november and i was on stream in Fallout 76 ->
- I can't record him if it was me ohmy.gif

- Monkeyfriend can compare my ip and his ip

Here his steam profil:

here is mine:
=Mi-Molles= Guytoune
Feanorfyndel make investigation.

It looks like the other "Guytoune" is Dr Acula.

He were ban many time in game, for firespotting cata, tking, trolling etc...

Here is a post about him:

After that, he was again ban (don't remember if it was napalm or Robin) for firespotting, tking mate from spawn.

Now, he used other player name for trolling and make trouble.

That's why, i ask a perma ban / ip ban or something like that.
Ban Guytone, he is using his DrAcula alt account to cause trouble!
He has been banned. Case closed for now.
I for one was disappointed that scooby doo reveal didn't have Tanz underneath it tongue.gif
General Tanz
You are dissapointed Monkey?

You probably suspected "Tanz" under the disguise?

May I ask you in all modesty , when "General Tanz" committed firespottin cata, intentional teamkilling, trolling, teamkilling mate from spawn ...?

Even the big Investigator Airplane attested "Tanz / Bathory" just a kick of an archer from the wall.

And I volunteered another kick from a team member off the wall so he could attack the enemy flag bearer below.
Now I'm disappointed with you, dear Monkey, and I advise you to choose your sources of information more carefully. In German we call an untruth directed against a person "?ble Verleumdung", "evil slander".
I am convinced that you have only been misinformed, everything is fine again.

Look, I'll make this simple: There is literally nothing you could say or do that would make me lift your ban. It is permanent and will not be lifted.
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