The year is 2018 B.C. the internet is entirely occupied by Battlegrounds unknown to thy humble players.
Well, not entirely.
One server of not at all defenders of the Ancients or offended global quick-peekers but of indomitable Knights still holds out against the invaders.
And life shall not be easy for the intruders entering this festival of unpredictable gore unleashed by its inhabitants.
After 5 years with thy humble peers i fell in love in that one and only Sneaky Monkeys 64 player T.O. Server <3

My name is .mo.the.peasant. and this shall be my humble application for the position to be an admin on this elaborated server.
I've played rather to much (2k/h.) and probably don't need to mention my exact over 30k kill-count on SM only. But I'd like to proudly bring up my "♛-King of the Hill-♛" win this week on the chiv birthday event

My real name is Robert and I'm an PhD-student in Germany, writing about the Indian Diaspora in East Africa. The curiosities and the proceedings within the Sneaky Monkeys T.O. Server are my everyday bread and I would be super happy to be a part of the Sneaky Monkeys Crew and to help while other advanced admins are not online with kicking HighPingers/IntTk's/Racists/ and other scum

Sincerely yours,
PS: sry for my english, my germanes holds me back from being good in that