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18-09-28 15:14:11 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to TEAM: SRY
18-09-28 15:14:17 @16540 [Kubass14 CZ] to TEAM: np
18-09-28 15:14:37 @45246 [Servius Scythe] to ALL: sry bro\
18-09-28 15:14:41 @16140 [Darkahr] to TEAM: np
18-09-28 15:15:09 @10079 [JSPJokunen] to TEAM: sorry
18-09-28 15:15:38 @723 [ProgrezZ] to ALL: how to kill myself im stuck
18-09-28 15:15:44 @3277 [ShamBas] to ALL: f9
18-09-28 15:15:46 @343 [juicy prolapse] to ALL: f10
18-09-28 15:16:04 @723 [ProgrezZ] to ALL: ty
18-09-28 15:16:11 @39939 [Pentin] to ALL: alt f4
18-09-28 15:16:14 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to TEAM: SRY
18-09-28 15:16:57 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: LOL
18-09-28 15:17:01 @55543 [Gannicus - Slayer of Archernoobs] to ALL: dont hide like pussy
18-09-28 15:17:06 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: salt
18-09-28 15:17:06 @55543 [Gannicus - Slayer of Archernoobs] to ALL: move your ass to the front
18-09-28 15:17:11 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: salty
18-09-28 15:17:22 @55543 [Gannicus - Slayer of Archernoobs] to ALL: nah i just dont like useless fucks.
18-09-28 15:17:30 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: salty ass
18-09-28 15:17:40 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: i do what I want
18-09-28 15:17:44 @36870 [rainman] to ALL: odinnnnnn
18-09-28 15:17:45 @130 [Tom Noodle] to ALL: ohmy.gif
18-09-28 15:17:50 @9294 [Bluefire] to ALL: afk
18-09-28 15:18:00 @411 [m????r???????] to TEAM: sry
18-09-28 15:18:00 @28 [ümbert] to TEAM: sorry
18-09-28 15:18:27 @13736 [Ardevep] to ALL: Why do you ignore me ? sad.gif
18-09-28 15:18:28 @328 [Armored Dog] to ALL: ??????? ??? ????
18-09-28 15:18:37 @328 [Armored Dog] to ALL: idiot lol
18-09-28 15:18:38 @39939 [Pentin] to ALL: cause i saw many archers haha
18-09-28 15:18:44 @13736 [Ardevep] to ALL: Ahaha
18-09-28 15:19:14 @10079 [JSPJokunen] to ALL: we suck
18-09-28 15:19:18 @39939 [Pentin] to ALL: haha
18-09-28 15:19:22 @39939 [Pentin] to ALL: come at more
18-09-28 15:19:24 @39939 [Pentin] to TEAM: 6v1
18-09-28 15:19:27 @39939 [Pentin] to ALL: 6v1
18-09-28 15:19:31 @55543 [Gannicus - Slayer of Archernoobs] to ALL: yea because ppl like Deeznkid camp like pussy biggrin.gif
18-09-28 15:19:38 @1536 [Mattman11] to TEAM: Waybe we need to regroup, for attack all, the strategy of bus!
18-09-28 15:19:41 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: dude go to another server if you gfonna salt
18-09-28 15:19:47 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: I do what I want
18-09-28 15:20:01 @743 [Mackarcus] to TEAM: sorry
18-09-28 15:20:01 @55543 [Gannicus - Slayer of Archernoobs] to ALL: dude go to another server if you wanna play like a 11 year old pussy kid
18-09-28 15:20:06 @55543 [Gannicus - Slayer of Archernoobs] to ALL: you are in the attacker team
18-09-28 15:20:08 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: there is no other server slaty ass
18-09-28 15:20:09 @28369 [Widow Maker] to ALL: sry
18-09-28 15:20:09 @55543 [Gannicus - Slayer of Archernoobs] to ALL: so you have to attack
18-09-28 15:20:13 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: I am
18-09-28 15:20:17 @343 [juicy prolapse] to ALL: camping is allowed
18-09-28 15:20:21 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: you dont know wtf Im doing anyway
18-09-28 15:20:29 @55543 [Gannicus - Slayer of Archernoobs] to ALL: no you dont, you sit with your ass all day behind the front
18-09-28 15:20:37 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: dude st fu
18-09-28 15:20:38 @55543 [Gannicus - Slayer of Archernoobs] to ALL: nobody cares about k/d ratios
18-09-28 15:20:39 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: and play
18-09-28 15:20:46 @55543 [Gannicus - Slayer of Archernoobs] to ALL: go play COD if you care for that
18-09-28 15:20:50 @5268 [RedCherry] to TEAM: I'm so sorry biggrin.gif
18-09-28 15:20:52 @1185 [DeezNuutz] to ALL: lol stfu salty ass nigga
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