General Tanz
Sep 1 2018, 11:13 AM
Greetings to all,
Do not worry, today I do not want to give a lecture again, just ask a simple question: "Will I ever be allowed to play on your server again?"
I know today is the answer from every administrator on the forum: "Never". But who wrote that I expect the answer to my question today? Also not tomorrow, or the day after, or next month ..., maybe I will someday write in the forum: "Now I ask for an answer".
But then, like today, I want the answer to my question to be unanimous. No, of all, or yes, of all. Even if all administrators vote "Yes" and Bucket "No" I will not accept the decision and will not play on the server with "General Tanz".
For me, it is extremely important that Bucket agrees, saying with the same determination "yes," as he says "no" today.
I'm tired of playing with other accounts on your server, that's against me, just as it's certainly against you.
I'd love to, and here let me use Darth Vader's words, all of you, admins, friends and players, "see with my own eyes" on the server and take off my helmet, behind which I hid for months and years.
Sep 1 2018, 03:11 PM
"Will I ever be allowed to play on your server again?
Why even bother asking? all those chances and YOU never learn, so even if they lifted the ban it, YOU or your (stepson) will just break the rules again.
Sep 1 2018, 03:16 PM
I'm tired of playing with other accounts on your server, that's against me, just as it's certainly against you.
Then why the fuck do you keep doing it?
I have personally banned four of your accounts and that had nothing to do with Bucket. I banned "Bathory" because he broke the rules multiple times, plain and simple. I actually gave you multiple chances knowing who you really were.
You blew it and every time you play here with other accounts people complain about you. And I'll give you the reason why:
YOU SUCK! You cant play decently and still act like you deserve respect.
In the future I will ban you on sight.
Please do us all a favor and invest your Chivalry money in cigarettes instead.
Sep 1 2018, 03:42 PM
IP Range ban this cunt already.
Sep 1 2018, 04:37 PM
Sep 1 2018, 04:37 PM

IP Range ban please
General Tanz
Sep 1 2018, 05:39 PM
Greatings, this is at your adress, Admin Airplane.....
I did not meet you as a liar, but now here in the forum you presented yourself as a liar. What rules did Bathory break? Did he ever "intentionally team kill", he has ever insulted someone racist, he has ever played unfairly, waiting in places that are not achievable ... etc?
Bathory just kicked one team member off the wall near Belmez because the enemy flag bearer was down. That's why Bathory was banned, see the Treat. That's the truth, not your lies about "several rules broken".
You are free to ban any player, but do not spread lies here in the forum. Read the Treat "Kick Member from the Wall," that's exactly what Bathory did.
And one more thing: As long as I am not banned here in the forum as a guest, I ask for the same respect and the same respectful choice of words that I always use myself. I do not want a fecal language like "cunt", "suck" ... etc
I think that you owe not only me but all forum guests.
Sep 1 2018, 05:55 PM
Bathory = Tanz.
It just so happens that when a ban was made we compared the hardware IDs so we know it was you.
Putting it bluntly: the reason we haven't banned your entire ISP is because it might effect other people using voda DE.
However we're at the point now where I think fuck it: if you can't learn to fuck off, we'll just make sure that you can't connect using your internet connection. If other people end up being effected we'll unban them one by one, after we've confirmed it's not you.
The permanent ban is permanent. Because you've wasted my time evading that ban, we'll make sure this is carried forward into every server SM run for chivalry or any other game like Mordhau
Now post again or rejoin the server again and we'll contact your ISP, confirming ban evasion and breach of vodafone's acceptable usage policy
in the meantime will gline : - - so well done that's 130000 IPs banned because you're a fucking spastic.
Note: to SM this will require a server restart to take effect. Any innocent people banned as a result, direct to me and I'll check it's not an alt and unban where appropriate
Sep 1 2018, 06:19 PM
The only reason to kick a teammate is if they are blocking an exit.
I also have another screenshot of "Bathory" kicking a teammate off the wall on coldfront. That does about 70 damage and is therefore 70% of a teamkill. That archer died from a hit that would not have killed otherwise and since he would not have been anywhere near the enemy if you had not kicked him, that's entirely your fault. "Bathory" was banned for 200 hours and I didn't bother replying.
I am not a liar; you are delusional.
If you think that "suck" is "fecal" language, you should talk to your therapist about it.
Sep 1 2018, 06:41 PM
Not even Jesus can save him Airplane let alone a therapist
General Tanz
Sep 1 2018, 06:45 PM
Admin Airplane....
I kicked an Archer off the wall in Coldfront, that's true. And I apologized for that and sat down my sentence.
So these are your famous "several rules broken"? An Archer kicked off the wall and a team member to attack the enemy flag bearer.
So that's my fault? If you have no more to offer, the forum guests are sure to be looking for something more spectacular.
Ever played on the server? Sure, then you've undoubtedly seen what's going on in hectic moments. I myself was knocked down by walls a hundred times, intentionally stabbed in the back, thrown at by firefighters by teammates, verbally insulted ... etc
I agree with you, that is no excuse for my behavior, but it is always an explanation.
So, if you do not have more than "archer kick in coldfront", then save us both and our time.
Sep 1 2018, 08:09 PM
To be frank, I've never encountered someone as stubborn as this fella before.
Sep 1 2018, 10:50 PM
Maybe he no read Da Jesus Book, Bucket.

It should be on par with his reading comprehension.
Sep 1 2018, 11:34 PM
Hello, since you are showing an incredible sociopath behavior on website which is beyond trolling, i know that you are not enjoying this problem. Actually it bothers you as hell because physically there is nothing you can do but replying here. Oh maybe i can count, login into game with alt accounts. Since they are getting ban as well, well, there is nothing you can do.
I strongly recommend that find something else than login with an alt or replying here. Like playing other games and showing sociapath behavior to other server admins will make you refreshed a little bit. ( well i am hoping that you feel refreshed after you focused on something else . - i am not a sociapath so what i do know ?

get laid, annoy some other people in real life. get a fresh air.
Sep 2 2018, 04:17 PM
I am pretty sure that he has no GF or a stepson, but they are all his different personalities of him just like in that movie 'Split'.
Honestly, I am even surprised the German government hasn't housed you in a mental facility, your obsession with buying new accounts and getting banned from our servers is rather unhealthy and flat out disturbing.
Michael Jordan has some advice for you ;
Sep 2 2018, 05:00 PM
QUOTE (Bucket @ Sep 2 2018, 04:17 PM)

I am pretty sure that he has no GF or a stepson, but they are all his different personalities of him just like in that movie 'Split'.
Honestly, I am even surprised the German government hasn't housed you in a mental facility, your obsession with buying new accounts and getting banned from our servers is rather unhealthy and flat out disturbing.
Michael Jordan has some advice for you ;'s using steam family share rather than buying new accounts. You can get the info on who's account is being shared from the console.
Sep 2 2018, 05:05 PM
Ahhh I see, also can you forum ban him as well since he posted again under an alt here;#entry27663
General Tanz
Sep 7 2018, 07:22 AM
Let's just say one thing: I have not broken any serious rule with any of my accounts on your server, anyone who claims otherwise is simply a liar. I already wrote Admin Airplane that I was banned because of the kick from the wall, two kicks on my part in 4 years playing time. For both I apologized in the forum and accepted the punishment. What do you want from me?
Admin Airplane wrote I had "multiple rules broken", a blatant lie.
When I asked him to call these offenses, silence in the forest.
Just like Porsuk: "an incredible sociopath behavior on website which is beyond trolling", how was that?
Were my lines in the forum not always clear and easy to understand, whether I act as "Bathory" or "Tanz", where is the difference? What I wrote in my defense was always appropriate and true. He should step forward and prove to me that I am lying. I wrote: "I am not Tanz i am Bathory," and even that is not a lie. And anyone who speaks here of "Sociopath" has heard the word once and never understood.
I would urge you to comment in the future what is really in the statements, your amateur psychological judgments of "Sociopath" and "Trolling" you like to keep for you, at least as long as you no evidence in the forum
I have always asked for this evidences, both as "Tanz" and as "Bathory"; but instead of evidence I received the usual stupid comments.
From Bucket comes the usual "spell, bann him .... bann him in the forum too !!!"
Typical screaming reminiscent of medieval stupidity, see witch burning: "Burn them, burn them ... !!"
But from other admins and not least guests, I expected more, a little more courage and a little more commitment.
Just the topic of "Bathory": Kick Teammember from the wall. 851 guests read that, and only 25 commented on it, 90 percent of them, the usual stupid and childish cartoons. Just read the "bullshit" that some perform there, like Haich, Airplane and Bucket ...., and you call me "Troll".
Last but not least, for none of you ignorants I came back to the server, just because of the good players and Chivalry itself.
In the meantime, I have two words ready for you, with special dedication especially to Bucket, who never learned to judge and, if necessary, condemn another person whom he has never seen and does not know about his words in the forum.
Well, for you, dear Bucket, to see, I can do it differently, if not as perfect as you: Simply, fuck you.
Sep 7 2018, 08:55 AM
no, fuck you
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